Section 48 (Religious Designation) SEF
Summarise your school's Self Evaluation against a Section 48 Framework.
Self Evaluations enable schools to continuously evaluate their strengths and areas for development against a framework and then share this at inspection. Keeping track of the many criteria and considering them both at the level of detailed evaluation, as well as in overview, is a complex task and often leads to long complex documents.
Our system provides the structure to consider a school's effectiveness in each area of either the SIAMS or the Catholic Schools Inspection frameworks and also set it in the school's context and previous inspections. (SIAMS inspections have special requirements for the inspection version of the SEF - two page summary and no evaluation of grade - and these are catered for in a special inspection ready print format)
Track details against individual criteria and then zoom out to a high level summary of strengths and areas for development.
Each of the individual criteria required for a good inspection are detailed and the school's view of them recorded. Optionally, more detail about the evidence to support the evaluation of those criteria can be included. Very detailed evidence can be hyperlinked to the evaluation.
For each area of the framework you can record a summary along with four key areas of detail: actions recently taken in that area, the impact of those actions, strengths in the area and priorities for further development. This provides a single page summary fo each area which is extremely helpful for governors, wider leadership and all staff generally.
Additional sections enable you to provide contextual information and also document progress against your last report alongside current development priorities.
A self evaluation needs to consider the schools successes and challenges in its own context. Our system provides a section for a number of contextual statements at the start of the document to set the scene for the evaluative sections further on.
Self evaluation is part of the school improvement process so a section is also provided where the priorities from the last inspection and the response to them can be detailed. This section also enables you to record a high level summary for the main school development plan which will be echoed in the separate Ofsted areas of the SEF.